Today’s is a competitive world. Everyone would agree to this fact. Competition persists in about every activity in human life. One of the key areas where competition is visible to the core is the employment sector.
- The job market continues to be as fragile as ever and every individual would like to feel himself, a cut above the rest, to succeed in getting a good offer.
- With the passing of every year, colleges and education institutes, churn out lakhs of job aspirants.
- Subsequently, there is no decline,in the number of job aspirants.
- It is always a herculean task to get your dream job offer, unless you are extraordinarily brilliant, wherein your skill sets were hitherto, unavailable for the companies, who plan to hire you or you are a highly influential candidate.
- Amongst the genuinely talented candidates, aspiring for a good job, there are few of them, who, even after succeeding in getting the job, still are not sure for reasons best known to themselves, whether to accept the offer or not.
- This leads to lots of ambiguity for the companies, thinking of hiring them, and in turn, the companies lose out on genuine and serious candidates, who are in need and they qualify for the requirement too.
Is there a solution for this problem? This blog dwells a bit deeper and analyses the possibilities.
Return Job Offer
- One of the possible solutions, to handle this issue, could well come up from the candidate himself, who wishes to return his job offer.
- All what is expected from a candidate, who is thinking of returning his job offer, is complete clarity on his decision and a firm decision, so that it could avoid lot of ambiguities, as far as the hiring organization is concerned.
- There could be occasions where you would have to think of returning back the job offer. The reason could be many.
- May be it wasn’t your dream job or you already have an offer on hand, which you feel, is a better and more comfortable option.
- Either way, it desires a certain degree of ethics and professionalism from the part of the candidate.
- Though you have had all the basics right, before getting on to the interview room and then subsequently, clearing the interview and achieved the offer on hand, your mind would not completely agree with certain aspects, either related to the organization, or the job profile hinted by the organization.
Here’s what you can actually do while returning a job offer on hand.
Be tactful in conveying your decision
- Returning a job offer is as mentally a challenge, as is resigning from a company. Simply because of the fact, that at some corner of the mind, you may still start thinking that, “Am I missing out on a good opportunity here?”
- In either way, a candidate would do a world of good, if he keeps, one step, still within the organization. In other words, he still stays in the scheme of things of the organization, though he has decided not to come back, again in the future.
- He could do this by tactfully conveying his decision to his immediate manager. With the number of job aspirants, increasing beyond manageable limits, these simple approaches, would work well, if in case the company wants the candidate to reconsider his decision.
Be timely and disciplined, if you are return job offer
- Time is money. This applies for the organization in question and should inadvertently, apply for the candidate too.
- The candidate in question would do a world of good for the prospects of other candidates in line, by taking a quick decision.
- Companies in question too would be looking to fill up the position with suitable alternatives and by not keeping them informed about the decision to return the offer in time, the candidate in question might just ruin, the other potential candidate’s future.
- This is more evident in candidates who have multiple job offers in hand, wherein, without informing the first organization, they start working with the other organization.
- Here, the candidate fails to realize that this could well backfire on him and rob him of an opportunity to work for ever!
- The simple reason being that, most of the hiring managers of different companies, tend to stay connected with each other, for one reason or the other.
- There is every possibility that the candidate who has kept the first organization guessing, can run in to the hiring manager of the first company, in the other company! This indiscipline could prove costly.
If you’re old company wants you back
- This is the trickiest positions of all. There could be possibilities that your old employer would want you back and has something better in mind for you.
- It is also seen that organizations can resort to buying back the candidate, who have left them and joined another organization.
- This normally happens between the two organizations in question, under mutually agreeable terms and conditions.
- However, you as a candidate can diplomatically convey your decision to move back to your old organization, to your new employer.
- This can make decision making for the new organization, comparatively easy and look for other alternatives.
- Returning a job offer could be quite a challenge.
- Candidates can well do without actually landing in such a situation, by taking some time off and conducting a complete analysis.
- If you have to return a job offer, immediately after accepting it, please see that you take an immediate decision and do not leave either the companies guessing, or play with the future of other aspirants for the same position.
- The best approach would be to cease, any further job hunt process, once you have a finalized offer on hand.
- This can do a world of good for your credentials and help you move ahead with confidence.

Experienced Digital Marketing professional with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Landing Page Optimization, Adwords, Search Engine Marketing, HTML, CSS, WordPress, and Social Media Optimization (SMO). Now working with DeveloperOnRent a fast growing IT outsourcing Company